# Tmux Guide I think I want to have this more or less as I am starting to use tmux. ## Sections * Starting * Notes * History ## Starting ### Start a new session ``` $ tmux ``` ``` $ tmux new ``` ``` $ tmux new-session ``` ``` Ctrl-b :new ``` ### Start new named session ``` $ tmux -s session-name ``` ``` ctrl-b :new -s session-name ``` ## Session Control Stuff related to controlling sessions. ### List Sessions ``` $ tmux ls ``` ``` $ tmux list-sessions ``` ``` ctrl-b s ``` ### Detach from Session ``` ctrl-b d ``` ### Attach to Session #### Attach to last session ``` $ tmux a ``` ``` $ tmux at ``` ``` $ tmux attach ``` ``` $ tmux attach-session ``` #### Attach to Named Session ``` $ tmux a -t [session-name] ``` ``` $ tmux at -t [session-name] ``` ``` $ tmux attach -t [session-name] ``` ``` $ tmux attach-session -t [session-name] ``` #### Rename Session ``` ctrl-b : rename-session [-t current-name] [new-name] ``` ``` ctrl-b $ ``` ## Panes Panes are how I've worked, apparently windows are another thing ### Switch Panes #### Switch in arrow direction ``` ctrl-b up-arrow ``` ``` ctrl-b down-arrow ``` ``` ctrl-b right-arrow ``` ``` ctrl-b left-arrow ``` #### Toggle Active Pane ``` ctrl-b ; ``` #### Split Window Horizontal ``` ctrl-b : split-window -h ``` ``` ctrl-b % ``` #### Split Window Vertical ``` ctrl-b : split-window -v ``` ``` ctrl-b " ``` #### Show Pane Numbers ``` ctrl-b q ``` #### Switch Pane by Number ``` ctrl-b q [pane number] ``` ## Help ### List Keys ``` $ tmux list-keys ``` ``` ctrl-b : list-keys ``` ``` ctrl-b ? ``` ## Info ### Show every session, window, pane et cetera ``` $ tmux info ``` ## Notes This currently is the stuff that I am most likely to need most often. ## History * 2023-01-19 - Create File * Create file with most of the basic functions...