\chapter{Character Information} This may have multiple characters in it, as I create more, but for now I am creating a single character while I am working with my friend to have them create a character along side me. I may have the information for their character added, if they desire to share that here. \section{First Character} I'm currently calling this, ``First Character,'' as I have nothing further to say about who this character is. As I develop the character this may change. \subsection{Homeland\cite{rq-rig} p. 26} ---\footnote{Most is from this info, but will use my own wording, and expand as character develops.} This Character is from Old Tarsh, they are centred on the foothills of Mount Kero Fin, and refuse to acknowledge the Lunar dynasty of Tarsh. They remain loyal to the Shaker Priestess. They were once the core of the Kingdom of Tarsh. The tribes of Old Tarsh have become marginalised, and survive by hunting and raiding. --- Cultural Skills --- I have not looked at these yet. --- Full Writeup --- Again not looked at. {\bf Cultural Stereotype:} Old Tarshites are poor, but proud and fierce. They view themselves as the rightful rules of Tarsh, and see Lunar Tarshites as temporary usupers. They are notorious for being both vengeful and indulgent. {\bf Common Cults:\footnote{not determined cult at this time.}} Maran Gor, Orlant, Ernalda, Odayla. {\bf Suggested Occupations:\footnote{not determined yet}} Bandit, Herder, Hunter, Warrior. \subsection{Passions} These at this time, are largely determined by the homeland, though some of the passions we've determined have come from going through the family history. \begin{table} \begin{itemize}[noitemsep] \item {\bf Love (family):} 60\% \item {\bf Loyalty (clan):} 60\% \item {\bf Loyalty (Shaker Temple):} 60\% \item {\bf Devotion (????\footnote{I didn't figure out what it was to yet}):} 70\% \item {\bf Hate (Lunar Emprie)\footnote{changed from Chaos to Lunar Empire filling earlier history out}:} 60\% \end{itemize} \caption{Character Passions} \end{table} Much of what I have done to this point, has been focused largely on allowing the ``dice to determine the outcomes.'' Ie. while I could have decided to create a character that felt like a character which was designed for me, I have based it largely on the rolls of dice. Part of my reasons for doing the rolls of dice, rather than trying to create a character to suit me, this may be a character that I can feel comfortable giving to a player to play, or one which I'll play as an NPC. \subsection{Family History} This has two options if you do not wish to go through the entire process from 1561 to 1625. One is to simply skip the section, the other is to start at 1622, only looking at your own history. While doing this in person, I started at 1622, but am going to round that out for this character starting at 1561. \subsubsection{Grandparent's History} This refers to the ``most important grandparent,'' and it may potentially be expanded to look at the other grandparents I would think. Occupation: Warrior \subsubsection{Year 1561} Grandparents are born.\footnote{It seems odd that everyone's grandparents get born the same year.} \subsubsection{Year 1582} ---\footnote{that's a big skip.} \begin{table} King Tarkalor and his wife the Feathered Horse Queen, went to war with the Lunar Empire to ade the old Tarshites. They were aided by Praxian and Esrolian mercenaries and volunteers. The Red Emperor personally lead the Lunar Army and when the armies met at the Battle of Gruzzket Peak, the Lunar Army swept the field with their vastly superior magicians. Both King Tarkalor and his Queen were killed. Of special note your parents were born this year. \caption{Year 1582 History\cite{rq-rig} pp. 29-30} \end{table} {\bf Events:} Grandparent was present at the Battle of Grizzly Peak, and was killed by Lunar spirits. Gain Hate (Lunar Empire) \subsubsection{Year 1597} \begin{table} Lunar assassins killed members of the Sartar royal house in the Holy Country, and many got entangled in the cycles of murder and vengeance. \caption{Year 1597 History\cite{rq-rig} p. 30} \end{table} {\bf Events:} Grandparent (second most prominent one?) dies in an accident. \subsubsection{Year 1602} \begin{table} The Lunar army invaded the kingdom of Sartar with great success, although at high cost, seizing the supposedly impregnable capital city by force and extinguishing the Flame of Sartar that united the legendary kingdom. \caption{Year 1602 History\cite{rq-rig} p. 31} \end{table} {\bf Events:} Participated in Boldhome Campaign, and survived. Grandparents are, around 41 years old and parents are around 20 years old. \subsubsection{Interim Years 1603-1604} \begin{table} After the Boldhome Campaign, the Lunar Empire dominated Dragon Pass. Old rivalries reignited, and the Lunar authorities encouraged the tribes to kill each other off. 1604 is the year of the adventurer's birth. \caption{Years 1603-1604 History\cite{rq-rig} p. 31} \end{table} {\bf Events:} Uneventful, things progress as per usual. \subsubsection{Year 1605} \begin{table} A major thrust by the Lunar army to invade the Holy Country, striking heavily populated Esrolia. Countering with magical strength, the god-king Belintar stopped the Lunars by inflicting a decisive and humiliating defeat. \caption{Year 1605 History\cite{rq-rig} p. 32} \end{table} {\bf Events:} Another normal year. Nothing of note has happened. \subsubsection{Parent's History} Occupation: Bandit (16\%), Hunter(10\%), Herder(43\%), Bandit(57\%), Warrior(19\%)\footnote(just some ideas as to what it might be, life events may change this.) \subsubsection{Year 1608} \begin{table} The Lunar Empire invaded Prax. The Lunar army hopped from oasis to oasis but was raided and harried until it accepted peach before being allowed to enter the Paps. Despite propaganda, this was a nomad victory. \caption{Year 1608 History\cite{rq-rig} p. 33} \end{table} This was a normal year, nothing really of note happened.