\chapter{What it is} \Gls{BRP}, is considered \gls{gls-SRD} \acrshort{SRD}, which means that it is meant to define what the ``Basic Roleplaying'' system consists of. It combines parts from {\it RuneQuest}, {\it Call of Cthulhu}, {\it Pendragon}, and other games. It contains the rules for these games, or the basics of them. It's basically intended to give the basic rules, while the more specific books will give more specific to the world, game systems. It's designed more for people who are likely to develop ``home brew'' type games. My interest was what I was that I wanted to create a ``Humans \& Houses,'' game. It doesn't give a good direct path to that, but I think it could easily work, it will just take some further looking at what it will end up with, as it is based on most characters being human, or at least humanoid.