\chapter{What is a Syszine?} I don't really know if this is a term that other people have used or not. I would not be surprised if others have used it. DuckDuckGo doesn't really give an indication as to whether it is used or not. Well, it does as it has zero results. So maybe it's not been used. That seems unlikely. Anyway, what do we mean? I guess the thing that we mainly mean is that this is a zine similar to a Perzine, but rather than being "personal" it is something about a plural system. That probably means that we'll have to write more about what me mean by that. For now I want to have something pretty simple here so that it gives a bit about what we mean, but not really do what really would need a whole chapter, to fully explain what we mean by a plural system. So, briefly... A plural system is any body who has more people in it than the one that most people would thing there are. It includes things such as what is known as, ``dissociative identity disorder'' or DID, and other forms of plurality which can be intentional such as tulpamancy\todo{is this the correct term?}, or it could just be something which has developed ``organically'' for the person. We never decided to become plural, it is something that just happened, while some may say that it would be wrong for us to use the term plural or system, or consider that (yes we've had people tell us off for it, even when not even understanding what it was they had an issue with), others have suggested that we likely have DID. Or some other related disorder. We feel increasingly that saying that someone must be plural, or must not be plural, or in many other things, just is ``not on.'' Ie. we do not feel we should define others, or we should prevent others from defining themselves. Sure, we can speak to how we see other people, perhaps asking or letting them know that we possibly see they are plural. In some cases, it can be difficult for people to process that it is even going on for them (yes an experience we've had). It often is tricky when someone has switched and you're not certain how the person you are familiar with would like the new person treated. Our sense is a lot about try to treat that person as best you can considering how they are presenting. And if we're uncomfortable... Don't try to totally hide it, but also don't let it rule the interaction to the level it can not be worked with. So, I guess, that we just want to say that this is our system's zine, which we are currently calling the ``Datse Collective''. It seems like it is a safe name to use, based on looking to see if it's used by others. And I guess that gives us a bit to say about that... As to where that name has come from. I've put that into the "Plans" section. The current order is not really anything more than how we've come up with stuff.