Journaling/Open Journal/Back Matter 0_autosave_29_0...

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<ITEXT CH="About This Document:"/>
<ITEXT CH="Well, not really sure if this really gets to the point, but I think I want to say a bit."/>
<ITEXT CH="This is an &quot;itteration&quot; of the journal that I have been working with. A previous version worked reasonably well for me, but it had some problems."/>
<ITEXT CH="The formatting of it was inconsistant, and that was a big problem in my mind."/>
<ITEXT CH="It also probably was a little shorter than I had planned for it, so that kind of was less than ideal."/>
<ITEXT CH="The &quot;Front Matter&quot; (the Roman numerals at the start) I felt sort of started fine, but should probably have the conent you see here, but it didn't really."/>
<ITEXT CH="So, the changes were to put the content that I have in the front matter here. Removed any formatting from the main portion of the journal. "/>
<ITEXT CH="And had the body go to 40 pages total for the part after the front matter (which is now longer), rather than 40 pages *total* for the journal (which meant 33 pages in the body portion)."/>
<ITEXT CH="I *had* stuff setup here so that I had this section, but it's gone missing. So.. I'm not sure what happened. "/>
<ITEXT CH="It probably was something that caused the file to crash, as I left it open and I guess never saved a version of it. "/>
<ITEXT CH="Oh, there's an export of it, which is fair. "/>
<ITEXT CH="I think that I'll type that out again.."/>
<ITEXT CH="Original Notes:"/>
<ITEXT CH="This is joust some notes about what this document (well several documents) ends up being."/>
<ITEXT CH="I have created the background for these pages, and it seem that when I did so, I kind of got it wrong. Which hey, that's fine. But as of this version (0.1.0) it's not quite right for what my intent was. The green and red squares are not in the right places."/>
<ITEXT CH="Also, the front matter (The roman numberal pages at the front) contain pages that I may not really use all that often. The intent is to actually use them, but I'm not certain taht I will."/>
<ITEXT CH="I will be creating a more fully writen up explanation as to what I want to have happen (or what I find works for me, and what I think might be worth looking at for yourself) for journalling."/>
<ITEXT CH="I have an old &quot;zine&quot; that I created for that purpose, but I want to rewqork it, and probably basically start from the beginning entirely fresh."/>
<ITEXT CH="Briefly, I feel that the thing to do, is &quot;Do what works for you.&quot;"/>
<ITEXT CH="While I'm creating this, I have gone through a recent working with an older format of this journal. I'm about to get to the end of the first run through that."/>
<ITEXT CH="The initial thoughts about creating this, came out of some vague understanding of *The Bullet Journal Method* by Ryder Carroll."/>
<ITEXT CH="It was mentioned on the YouTube channle *How to ADHD* and I decided to look into it, and found stuff online."/>
<ITEXT CH="I have now read the book that he created, and intend to purchase a copy, as there's some really good stuff there (along with some sstuff I'm less happy with). "/>
<ITEXT CH="The sections I have in the front matter, are *mostly* the core that he's created as what is the basics for the Bullet Journal Method (BuJo). I created the Weekly Log for my own process. I found when I created that, that it was useful, but lately it's not proving to be. Which means, that while I created it, it is more a matter of what works for you at the time. "/>
<ITEXT CH="The previous version has multiple sections formally laid out for the content. I found that was an &quot;interesting idea,&quot; that basically didn't work, so I've made the main body just be a more simple format."/>
<ITEXT CH="Mostly I feel that information is what I want to say about this journal format, at this time."/>
<ITEXT CH="I do want to further go into how I'm doing this, but I'm going to take a bit to get tto that."/>
<ITEXT CH="I want to print up the existing version, but it might take a bit longer to get to."/>
<ITEXT CH="How to Find Me:"/>
<ITEXT CH="I'd like to have a space specific to the journalling, but I don't have it right now. I have some generic paces though:"/>
<ITEXT CH="Mastodon:"/>
<ITEXT CH=""/>
<ITEXT CH=""/>
<ITEXT CH="PeerTube:"/>
<ITEXT CH=""/>
<ITEXT CH="Ko-Fi:"/>
<ITEXT CH=""/>
<ITEXT CH="Website:"/>
<ITEXT CH=""/>
<ITEXT CH="I think that is good for now, and while I'm not certain that I have everything here correct, and probably I should put website links, as well as fediverse &quot;addresses&quot; for PeerTube and Mastodon."/>
<ITEXT CH="This really is about designing a format that works for me. If you want to use it great. If you want to have something that works more for yourself, I can help with that (maybe creating a format for you, or what I hope is guiding people to how they might want to do it themselves)."/>
<ITEXT CH="Copyright/Copyleft:"/>
<ITEXT CH="I really would love it if people would pay for this content, but I also want to make it so that people who want to access it, but can't afford to pay for it are able to access it."/>
<ITEXT CH="With that in mind, I do two things. One, I never paywall my content, unless it's something that is physical (like if you want to get printed versions of stuff mailed to you), I ask for at *least* the materials costs. "/>
<ITEXT CH="I also license most of my content, with a Creative Commons, Attribution, Share-Alike license."/>
<ITEXT CH="Basically that means that you can use my content, and share it. You can modify it, and to &quot;comply&quot; you would make it clear that you've got the content. "/>
<ITEXT CH="I probably could end up writing a whole &quot;book&quot; on copyright/Creative Commons. Maybe it's only going to be the size of this. "/>
<ITEXT CH="If you do use my content, I'd really love to hear from you about what you're doing. "/>
<ITEXT CH="Keep it Super Simple (KISS):"/>
<ITEXT CH="One thing that I have seen is that people end up giving up on stuff, because what they think they should be doing, is some fancy format or whatever."/>
<ITEXT CH="Don't let that happen to you. If it's not working for you, find a way to make it simpler, and working better for you."/>
<ITEXT CH="Ryder, and others I have talked to directly, have stated that a lot of people &quot;fail&quot; at journalling, because it's &quot;too complicated&quot; for them. "/>
<ITEXT CH="So, as I stated, there's stuff here, that I'm not sure how much I'm going to use. "/>
<ITEXT CH="Find What Works:"/>
<ITEXT CH="Before getting to this, I was finding that things that were working, may not always work for me."/>
<ITEXT CH="The basic Bullet Journal type wasn't really working, so I decided to write a long form, to sort of explore it."/>
<ITEXT CH="That might be useful to consider that what works for you will change, and also why you are doing the journalling. "/>
<ITEXT CH="Currently, I feel that I really don't have much of, &quot;getting stuff done&quot; which really is the main purpose of the Bullet Journal Method. "/>
<ITEXT CH="I do have some, &quot;sorting stuff in my head out,&quot; type stuff to do, and various varieties of long form writing work."/>
<ITEXT CH="Which very much is *not* what Bullet Journal Method does. In the book it is sort of mentioned as, &quot;yeah you can do this&quot; but really not much more about it."/>
<ITEXT CH="Revisions:"/>
<ITEXT CH="(0.1.2) - This Version"/>
<ITEXT CH="* Added &quot;Find What Works&quot;"/>
<ITEXT CH=" * Came from things not working"/>
<ITEXT CH="(0.1.1) - Previous Version (not released)"/>
<ITEXT CH="* Rewrote all above"/>
<ITEXT CH="(0.1.0) - Previous Version (not released)"/>
<ITEXT CH="* I didn't find (0.1.0) when trying to update it, so this is new, but based on that."/>
<ITEXT CH="* It mostly was &quot;Original Notes&quot; section, but that's a new typing, and some of it written differently."/>
<ITEXT CH="* Copyright section was there, but it's quite a bit different in this version. "/>
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